Hola, We’ve been on the move again, first to Conil de la Frontera near the coast staying at Camping Roche (mostly in the rain and wind) and got one good day cycling north to Sancti Petri in sight of Cadiz. The area was not busy, has great long beaches and lots of apartments that we’re sure are busy in the summer but pretty dead at the moment. Left with a camper tour of Cadiz in the rain and then onto Seville (a busy campsite: Vilsom Camping). The drive up from the coast was like travelling through Norfolk, pretty flat and lots of farming, mostly arable, going on. We got the bus into the lively city on Saturday and saw lots of things, probably more than we could take in on one day, but included the Alcazar (photo in gardens), Cathedral, Plaza de Espana (photo), Parks and a stroll alongside the main river, Guadalquivir. Initially wet, the day brightened up and we only got rain on the walk back to the campsite from the bus drop. Certainly a city to revisit as there are many great buildings, sights to see and good places to eat and enjoy the vibrant atmosphere. There were many young people demonstrating, singing their way through the streets in a carnival atmosphere but we couldn’t see what it was all about !! The low point for Helen was a Spanish tea which resembled diluted milk.
The we moved on through more rain to Caceres to a nice campsite set on a hill but a little out of town. There is not much in the immediate neighborhood, a football stadium and industrial estate, but the city is a short bus ride away. After another days rain and Mah Jong practise, we had a sunny day in the old city (see photos, including the White Storks on the towers). This is a World Heritage Site and impressive with buildings in the walled part of the city covering the Roman, Goths, Moors and colonial times, up to the present day. We particularly liked the view from the Cathedral belfry(St Maria)as the old quarters stand above the surrounding lands. This is where I got the close-up shot of the Storks. The museums we visited were all described in Spanish but we could make out bits anyway.
So this will be our last post before returning home via Santander. We will stop over in Salamanca and have a day there to explore some more. Adios
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