Hola, about to leave Cabo de Gata having had a great time in the sunshine exploring the park and local villages. We have been lucky with weather which has resembled British summer in the daytime although it gets dark at 7 pm and cools down quickly. Once beyond the “plastic” covered fields, the area has its own attraction with long - long empty beaches, small white pueblos such as Cabo de Gata itself, lagoons with a variety of birdlife including Flamingos, Advocets, White faced ducks and Black-winged Grebes, Shovelers and more. We have cycled many of the local pistas and the road from the campsite along the coast towards San Jose. This goes through the more pristine area of the park over two passes to reach a final saddle (about 200 m) overlooking beaches and the coast near San Jose. At the col, the road transforms from “pot-holed tarmac” to a “stony pista” and looks to be all down hill. The photos show the Flamingos on the lagoon at Salinas during their courtship display, and the view from the last saddle back southwards to the lighthouse at the cape. The folks at the campsite are friendly; our immediate neighbour, Anne, as been here since October and is a font of information on the locality. The site is not as packed as the ones we’ve been in and most people seemed to have spread over two pitches!! Anyway, we’ve only 3 weeks left so need to move on if we’re to see more of southern Spain..Adios.