Had a trip to Snowdonia staying at a nice hostel near Pony Pant. We had a bad weather forcast but had already decided to go ahead with a climb up Snowdon on the "Watkin Path" and down on the "Miner's Track". In the event, the weather was worse than predicted with rain and high winds but we (Bex and myself) did get a good view of the mountains below the cloud. The route up was good until about Bwich y Saethau when we entered the cloud and the path became vague, steep and loose. There appeared to be several routes and we couldn't see the summit or marker standing-stone at the top and there were few cairns to indicate a route. We chose as best we could and continued upwards to the ridge close to the summit. On the ridge we checked our compasses again but decided that the GPS was correct and to head up to the summit to the west. Here we met two men who we'd seen in the distance on the way up; further on we experienced a chilly gale at the top. We both climbed to the Trig station on the summit and had to hold-on in order to stand, such was the wind at that time. We quickly took the route along the ridge past the railway station (not in use because of building works) and shortly found some shelter behind a rock to have lunch (including hot tea !) and get warmer underlayers on. After that, it was OK with the rain stopped and we soon reached a clear sky (see photo) with Glaslyn in view. A standing stone on the ridge marked the Pyg and Miner's tracks down, steeply at first but on solid rock tracks (different from the path I remember from about 40 years ago). Eventually the "Miner's track" and "Pyg" part at another standing stone and we dropped down to the lakes to follow a "stone road" around the lakes and across the concourse. The old "Miner's track" was visible in places.
When we reached the road, we both felt fine and up for a walk along the valley's edge and back around to the start of the Watkin's Path. This was a great walk, a little wind in places but no serious rain. The path crossed a stream which we had to ford but otherwise, apart from area of bog (i.e. wet feet!), the path was reasonable to follow through pastures and woodlands but needed navigation as there were very few footpath signs. We got back about 6.30 having started around 10.15 am and covered over 20 km (GPS was on and said 19.7 km but there was no signal in the lower woods at the start).
We went for a beer and a welcomed dinner at the hostel and had the place to ourselves for the rest of the evening. Bex is teaching me about wild foods, their identification etc, so education as well which will come in handy for my trek in the pyrenees starting next month.
On the Saturday the weather predication was worse and so we decided to stay lower and explore the local area. In the event, we found a nice lake in the hills in pleasant woodlands and had our sandwiches in the wet at the head of a lake. We picked a few plants to taste for dinner and I learned about nettle cordage, but I need to practice this more, although I have the basic technique. I liked the Wood Sorrel lemonade that Bex made but she didn't.
Next will be Ben Nevis if we can persuade the others to join ! We marvelled at the group we met in the car park who were doing the three peaks race (Ben Nevis, Scafell and Snowdon in 24 h) starting up Snowdon on the "Miner's track" at about 4 pm.