At the weekend we had a VSO type get together at Hakusembe Lodeg 20 km west of Rundu on the Kavango river. This is one of our favourite lodges in the area with a great view of the river, campsite and swimming pool all run by the operations manager JC. No rains at all but Margaret managed to get her beast bogged in the mud so we had some great fun trying to pull her out, and did eventually after getting a third tow rope. This was Margaret�s last adventure in Kavango with us as she leaves for home soon at the end of her service in Namibia. It was a great weekend with a braii, river trip and dinner on the river banks, how better a way to celebrate her going !!
They now have hippos in the area for the first time in years, but alas we didn�t spot them or crocs but did see a Fish Eagles that are breeding downstream of the lodge, also a Senegal Coucal, lots of African Jacanas, Common Waxbills, Yellow fronted Tinker birds and Rufus Bellied Herons, the latter for the first time in Africa. They were breeding and we could see them on their nest high in the reads on a small island just upstream of the lodge.
The sunset was magnificent as you can see from the photo taken on the river trip.